801 Selfoss


On the Green Map:

Online Resource

Web addresses providing local information about environmental matters of all kinds.

Environmental Education

Can range from intensive programs within the regular school system or university, to places offering one-time environmental workshops and lectures to the public.


Grasþök eru aftur að verða algengari í mörgum löndum. Bæði á háhýsum og sveitabýlum eða frístundahúsum. Á Íslandi er sterk hefð fyrir grasþökum enda hluti af byggingarhefð torfbæjanna. Grasþök eru umhverfisvæn m.a. að því leyti að þau kæla og hreinsa loftið, eru ágætis eldvörn í húsum og endurvinna regnvatn. Grasþök í borgum auka lífsgæði og yndisauka á mölinni.

Eco Expert

Experts, service or office that helps individuals or society to develop environmentally sound policies and practices. Might include alternative and governmental agencies, grassroots organizations etc.

Green Building

Three buildings have been certified under BREEAM certification system. The measures used represent a broad range of categories and criteria from energy to ecology. Other green buildings are e.g. Sesseljuhús at  Sólheimar.

Eco Information

Places or websites to visit or write to where you get good environmental information of all kinds. They direct you towards sustainable and conserving green sites, services and resources.
