Green Map – Iceland

The Green Map® System is a worldwide mapmaking project promoting citizen participation in sustainable community development. Using universal iconography with local knowledge Nature's Green Map charts over 4,000 green living, ecological, social and cultural resources in Iceland in 155 categories. Responsive layout for smartphone and pads.



In our Labels library which is both in our House App (in Icelandic) and here on the website (in Icelandic and English) you'll find a wide range of all kinds of labels and certifications on health, environment, green projects, dangers etc. Here you learn about each label and what they stand for. Labels facilitate your choice of goods and services in compliance with nature. Download your free Húsið App for Android and iOS.


Green Map in 5 languages

Nature's online version of the Green Map of Iceland now appears in 5 languages; Icelandic and English as in previous versions, and now also in; German, Italian and French. Widening the variety of languages on our Green Map means making the vast amount of information on nature, culture and economy in Iceland, available to a much bigger audience than before.


News is an eco-conscious network ready to publish the opinions of anyone who so desires. News items or a schedule of events can be sent directly to Any news that is published on must appear under the name of the author, who is solely responsible for its content.
It is Nature’s policy to publish everything newsworthy regarding nature and the environment.


Weather Forecast

One of Nature's services is the Weather forecast. The Institute for Meteorological Research and the Icelandic Meteorological Office provide the forecast. The forecast offers traditonal forecast and recent observations as well as new interactve wind, temperature and precipitation forecast as well as emergency notices.


The Recycle Map

The Recycle Map gives you a comprehensive picture of recycling opportunities in Iceland, showing you where the nearest recycle containers and recycling services are located based on location of entered address or the location given by the device used. It also informs you of the waste categories that are accepted at each location. The Recycle Map is both in Icelandic and English.


Printed Maps has published printed versions in of the Green Map for the past 4 years. The last version was released in the autumn of 2013 in 30,000 copies, in Icelandic and English. Our Green Maps have been distributed free of charge but to be able to do that, we need support. If you can support the next publication of the Green Map of Iceland you get your logo marked on the map. Yes I want to support the Green Map. 


Recycle Map – App has taken some of the webs features and put them into handy apps. First to market was the Recycle Map (Endurvinnslukort), released in Icelandic for iOS. The Recycle Map gives you a comprehensive picture of recycling opportunities in Iceland, showing you where the nearest recycle containers and recycling services are located, what categories are excepted and if open or closed.

More — an awarded eco-website

In 2012 was awarded the most prestigious environmental award in Iceland “Kuðungurinn“ (The Shell) the annual Environment Award of the Ministry for the Environment for an "outstanding webpage on the environment, and it's beneficial influence on the general public and businesses.“ ...and for “enthusiasm and care for nature and the environment.“.



The Greencast is Nature's video- and audio program. The Greencast delivers quality reviews on community-, travel- and environmental topics, both Nature's own production and material from other sources. The emphasis of Greencast's audio program Með náttúrunni / With nature, is presently on inteviews with people that have been in the frontline of the environmental fight in Iceland for many years.



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