Recycling – guidelines
Recycling puts material back into the natural cycle and the cycle of production and thus diminishes the pressure on new natural resources.Recycling is directed, for instance, with European legislation which ensures that in each country, recycling is taking place. In Iceland, Úrvinnslusjóður (The Icelandic Recycling Fund) has this responsiblility. There is a return fee on plastic bottles and packaging encouraging consumers to participate in the recycling process. Endurvinnslan ltd. (The Recycler ltd) is the only company in Iceland which accepts and receives plastic bottles for recycling.
There is a myriad of signs which in one way or another indicate that its possible to sort, reuse or recycle an item.In Iceland FENÚR (Commitee for Recycling and Solid Waste Management), has accumulated markings and created special recycling groups for classification and waste collection. provides excellent information about the so-called Fenúr groups. Here on the website the Fenúr recycling groups are displayed for each item in the Nature-market. Both groups indicate content and the packaging used. also provides a country-wide review of where each type of product can be recycled. See the Recycle Map.
Graphic: A symbol exclusively used for recycling guidelines at ©
Náttúran er „Endurvinnsla - viðmið“, Náttú Jan. 24, 2013 URL: [Skoðað:Sept. 17, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: March 28, 2007
breytt: Aug. 7, 2015