Eco-Agriculture / Permaculture
You´ll find information about Eco-Agriculture / Permaculture in Iceland here on the Green Map.
The description for this icon is as follows:
Organic farm or producer of agricultural products with organic certification by Tún. Includes also shops specialized in the sale of organic products.
Graphic: The icon for the Green Map® System category “Eco-Agriculture / Permaculture“.
Feb. 1, 2012
Náttúran er „Lífrænn landbúnaður“, Náttú Feb. 1, 2012 URL: [Skoðað:Feb. 13, 2025]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: May 27, 2011
breytt: Feb. 1, 2012