The Kitchen - Freezing Food
Putting food in a freezer is an excellent way to stop bacteria growth and to diminish the activity of enzymes in biological products. Storage in a freezer is, however, only temporary and depends on whether the freezing temperature is kept constant, i.e. -18 °C during the entire storage period, also that the food is properly packaged and sanitized. The general rule is that frozen food should not be kept in the freezer for more than one year-often less. During freezing the decomposition process is only slowed down.
On the packaging of the product it is usually stated how long the product can be kept in the freezer. However when freezing your own product it is a good rule to write on the packaging the date when the product was put in the freezer. All food loses some nutrients during freezing but it saves money and time to buy large amounts of fish and meat to keep there. Thus a freezer can save a lot of money.
Aug. 26, 2010
Náttúran „Eldhúsið - Frysting matvæla“, Náttú Aug. 26, 2010 URL: [Skoðað:Sept. 14, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: July 30, 2009
breytt: Aug. 26, 2010