Elding Whale Watching has secured the prestigious EarthCheck Gold level of certification through the world’s leading certifier of travel and tourism organisations.
In so doing, Elding Whale Watching has joined an elite group of industry leaders who, over a period of five years or more, have consistently demonstrated their commitment to host communities and high standards of environmental management.

To gain EarthCheck Gold Certification, Elding Whale Watching has also had to report their environmental footprint and adhere to an internationally recognized standard of Best Practice.
Each year, leading up to certification, Elding Whale Watching submitted 12 months of operational data to EarthCheck, to be benchmarked against industry Best Practice. A number of key indicators were measured; including energy and water consumption, total waste production, and community commitment.

For economies reliant on travel and tourism, EarthCheck’s benchmarking data provides the only historical record of the global environmental impacts of the industry over the past 12 years. More importantly, it rates the effectiveness of industry efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) and conserve natural resources at a project-by-project level.

Elding is a pioneer in environmental management in Iceland, received the Environmental Award of the Icelandic Tourist Board in 2008, holding Vakinn Gold, EarthCheck Gold certification and the Blue Flag Pennant.

See others with the EarthCheck label in Iceland.

Dec. 6, 2013
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir, Rannveig Grétarsdóttir „Elding fær gullvottun hjá EarthCheck“, Náttúran.is: Dec. 6, 2013 URL: http://nature.is/d/2013/12/06/elding-faer-gullvottun-hja-earthcheck/ [Skoðað:Feb. 13, 2025]
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