Chiara Ferrari Melillo

Environmental specialist
2013: Project manager at
Eco-tourism project manager

Education and training

2012 Università degli Studi di Teramo, Teramo, Italy - Sustainable business creation in protected areas. Environmental governance and planning tools. Legislation and management of Protected Areas. Socio-economic development in protected areas. Eco- tourism, environmental education, improvement of natural resources. Thesis: "Thematic trails: development and management tools of a Protected Area".
2012 ERSAF (Regional Agency Agriculture and Forestry Services), Milano, Italy - Training Course "Forestry Education 2012". Interventions recovery of the ecological network in the Natural Area of Sondrio.
2007-20010 Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy - Bachelor Degree in "Human and Environmental Sciences and Landscape" ("Scienze Umane dell'Ambiente, del territorio e del paesaggio"). Ecology, environmental psychology, landscape protection, cartography, anthropology, geography, environmental policy, urban and human geography, english and french language. 
2002-2007 Liceo Scientifico M.G. Agnesi, Merate, Italy - Scientific Hight School


2012 ERSAF Promotion of sustainable tourism. Environmental events support and organization. Website updating and environmental articles editing.GPS survey

Major Occupations

2013-dato environmentala network - Eco-tourism project manager for Green Map development, translations (English, Italian), website updating, writing articles and editing. Idea development and designing. Training course organization and representations in schools, firms and universities.
2013 Nostrale Association, Milano, Italy- Gardening laboratories and lessons. Planning and creating harvest gardens in schools
2012-2013 META Social Cooperative - Environmental lessons and workshop organization in schools. Leading and guiding group excursions in Natural Areas. Environmental educational activities planning
2011-2012 SEEDS Volunteers - Team leader. Leading international volunteering camps.Raise awareness about environmental issues, nature protection and sustainable development. Workshop, practical activities on the field, group discussions related to topics like recycling, sustainable living and eco-tourism. Leading excursions on Icelandic territory
2006-2011 Osteria della Cassina - Waitress, barista, cashier


2012 META Social Cooperative - Summer-camp management and coordination. Activities, excursions, time-meal organization. Pedagogy and enironment education 

Personal skill:


Italian - mother tounge
English - Listening C2 - Reading C2 - Spoken iteraction C2 - Spoken production C2 Writing C2
French - Listening B2 - Reading B2 - Spoken iteraction B2 - Spoken production B2 Writing B2
Icelandic- Listening A1 - Reading A1 - Spoken iteraction A1 - Spoken production A1 Writing A1

Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Communication skills

Leadership, good at working as part of a team as well. Confident and able to deal with people from allkind of different backgrounds and ages. Listener and empathic. 

Organisational / managerial skills

Responsible and selfmotivated. Good experience in project and team management, sense of organization. Good at working to deadlines and under pressure. Flexibility and sense of initiative. 

Job-related skills 

Driving licence B
Certification of first-aid course.
European Voluntary Service (EVS) in Iceland for 8 months. Permaculture course.
Team Leader and educator in the Italian Scout Association.

Computer skills 

Good command of Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), Macintosh software. Acquaintance with Internet, e-mail, blogs, social networks.


I'm interested in nature, knitting, travel, music, anthropological studies, keen on Nordic Countries cultures and languages. I love hiking! Interested in collaborating with NGO's.

Phota: Chiara Ferrari Melillo at Drangsnes in Vestfjords. Photographer: Guðrún Tryggvadóttir.

Feb. 10, 2014
Chiara Ferrari Melillio „Chiara Ferrari Melillo – Curriculum Vitae / Ferilskrá“, Náttú Feb. 10, 2014 URL: [Skoðað:Feb. 14, 2025]
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skrifað: Feb. 6, 2014
breytt: March 23, 2016
