Landvernd og Franska sendiráðið á Íslandi efna til fyrirlestrar um menntun til sjálfbærrar þróunar í sal Arion banka (Þingvöllum) í Borgartúni 19, þriðjudaginn 6. nóvember kl. 14:30.

Í fyrirlestrinum fjallar Dr. Maryse Clary lektor við háskólann í Aix-Marseille í Frakklandi um þá áskorun sem felst í sjálfbærri þróun og þjálfun kennara og nemenda í að takast á við þetta mikilvæga viðfangsefni. Menntun til sjálfbærni samþættir hugtök og tæki til greininga frá fjölmörgum faggreinum og elur af sér nýja hvöt til náms þar sem nemendur öðlast getu til að þróa og meta mismunandi sýn á sjálfbæra framtíð og hvernig megi í sameiningu uppfylla þá sýn. Dr. Clary mun greina frá þróun verkefna sem hafa það að markmiði að þjálfa nemendur í að öðlast þekkingu og færni sem auðveldar þeim í framtíðinni að lifa og hrærast í samræmi við markmið um sjálfbæra þróun samfélagsins.

Lesa má útdrátt Dr. Maryse Clary hér að neðan og um menntun og starfsferil hennar:

Education for sustainable development, a multifaceted education
By Dr. Maryse CLARY (Maître de Conférences, Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille France)

« Our biggest challenge in this new century is to take an idea that seems abstract –sutainable development- and turn it into reality for all the world’s people » (Kofi Annan, 2001). Sustainable development is an evolving concept. It is a dynamic concept with many dimensions and many interpretations. Some argue that there is no need for one agreed definition; instead, sustainable development should be seen as a process of change that is heavily reliant upon local contexts, needs and priorities. Clearly, while there is no one definition, the global dimensions and impacts of the challenges facing the 21st Century require extensive international co-operation, political commitment, and energy to move forward into a sustainable future. The concept of sustainable development emerged in the 1980s; it was a key issue on the agenda at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro where over 170 countries adopted Agenda 21. At the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, a more fully developed paradigm was endorsed at the highest political levels. In 2012, Rio+20 was a little disappointing.

Education at all levels can shape the world of tomorrow, equipping individuals and societies, with the skills, perspectives, knowledge and values to live and work in sustainable manner. Education for sustainable development is a vision of education that seeks to balance human and economic well-being with cultural traditions and respect for the earth’s natural resources. It is a new vision of education that seeks to empower people of all ages to assume responsibility for creating and enjoying a sustainable future. The overall aim of ESD is to empower citizens to act for positive environmental and social change, implying a participatory and action-oriented approach. ESD applies transdisciplinary educational methods and approaches to develop an ethic for lifelong learning; fosters respect for human needs that are compatible with sustainable use of natural resources and the needs of the planet; and nurtures a sense of global solidarity.

This education must meet the challenge of the complexity of reality; grasp the connections, interactions and mutual implications, implying a systemic approach. It leads to a different conception of science based on the principle of uncertainty corollary to an ethic of responsibility. ESD is organized around practical problems to solve, depending on the context and establish a process of active knowledge. ESD integrates concepts and analytical tools from a variety of disciplines to help people better understand the world in which they live. It requires active pedagogies as problem-solving, pedagogy project, social learning, field studies, role plays. Teachers have to guide students through the evaluation process with new indicators.

Pursuing sustainable development through education requires educators and learners to reflect critically on their own communities; identify non-viable elements in their lives, and explore tensions among conflicting values and goals. ESD brings a new motivation to learning as pupils become empowered to develop and evaluate alternative visions of a sustainable future and to work to collectively fulfil these visions. The development of specialized training programmes to ensure that students, future adults, have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their work in a sustainable manner has been identified as a critical component of ESD. The introduction of ESD programs can be seen as a response to social demand cope with the degradation of the environment go on increasing and threaten the future of humanity, face to economic and financial crises that increase inequalities.

ESD appears as one of the major forms of civic education; it is somehow required to provide maps of a complex world and compass to navigate.

About Maryse Clary
Maryse Clary holds a PhD in philosophy and currently works as a lecturer at the University of Aix Marseille. She started her career as a secondary and high-school teacher in history and geography and later started training other teachers. In the 70s she was amidst the first to take interest in environment and education on environmental matters.

Dr. Clary has served as an expert to the OECD and a consultant for the UNESCO on environmental education and education for sustainable development. She has partaken in several international educational projects, including the ARPEGE, ENVERS and others. She was conferred the French Legion of Honour by the French Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. As the author of numerous publications and school books, she continues writing and creating pedagogical programs for teachers, including work with the Nicolas Hulot Foundation.

Ljósmynd: Verk frá nemanda Norðlingaholtsskóla, Guðrún A. Tryggvadóttir.

30. október 2012
Landvernd „Dr. Maryse Clary heldur fyrirlestur um menntun til sjálfbærni“, Náttú 30. október 2012 URL: [Skoðað:22. febrúar 2025]
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