Green Days at the University of Iceland
Gaia (Student Organisation of the Masters Program in Environment and Natural Resources of the University of Iceland) is happy to announce that the annual tradition continues, as we invite you all to Green Days 2012!This year’s Green Days’ theme is ‘responsible consumption’ and our slogan is ‘Made in Earth, Paid with Earth’. This year we present various activities around this topic:Tuesday 13th March:12:30-13:10 – Nordic house: Sigurður Eyberg presents his movie and project about Iceland’s ecological footprint, and his fascinating experiment about his own eco-footprint.Wednesday 14th March:11:00-15:00 Clothes Swap in Háskólatorg
Thursday 15th March:11:00-15:00 Clothes Swap in Háskólatorg
Friday 16th March:11:00-15:00 Clothes Swap in Háskólatorg
Hope to see you all there, don’t hesitate to spread the word and invite your friends to all of our activities!
Náttúran.isGaia - félag meistaranema í umhverfis- og auðlindafræðum við Háskóla Íslands
Verkfræði- og raunvísindasvið Háskóla Íslands
Gunnar Gunnarsson „Gert af Jörðu, greitt af Jörðu - Grænir dagar HÍ 2012 “, Náttú March 11, 2012 URL: [Skoðað:Sept. 12, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
breytt: March 14, 2012