The bedroom is the place where we rest and acquire peace of mind. It is important to sleep in a comfortable bed because good sleep is fundamental for both good health and well-being.

But the bedroom is also the most personal space in the house. In the bedroom we should, therefor aim at pampering the soul and nurturing the feelings.

Environmental thought conforms perfectly to this view, as we are in fact a part of our environment. In the bedroom it is important that the furniture does not outgas toxins while we sleep. By buying environmentally friendly furniture, for instance FSC or Nordic Swan labelled, we can find a way of taking care of ourselves. Clothing and other textiles should preferably be from organically grown cotton, silk, hemp or flax.

Look at the bedroom, you only have to glance over the picture and click on individual things in order to obtain more information about them.

Dec. 22, 2011
Náttúran er
Náttúran er „Svefnherbergið“, Náttú Dec. 22, 2011 URL: [Skoðað:Jan. 24, 2025]
Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: June 25, 2007
breytt: June 13, 2014
