Breathing and insulation in a real eider or goose down bedspread is of course better than from bedspreads made of synthetics and in most cases also healthier. It is necessary to weather the bedspread regularly and to clean it according to need.
Considering textiles such as bedding and clothes it has to be kept in mind that many dyes and production processes involve using acid baths and various toxins, some of which can be detrimental to health. Also the production process itself is often the source of serious environmental impacts and health problems. Some textiles are nevertheless environmentally friendlier than others.
Cotton is one of the most harmful raw materials because of extensive use of toxins during its growing season. One kg- of cultivated cotton requires about one kg of toxins. However if you choose organically grown cotton then the use of toxins is almost forbidden and the use of toxic chemicals is kept to a minimum.
Environmental labeling such as the Nordic Svan ensures that the production process was environmentally friendly, ecological labeling (on many labels all over the world) shows that the product has been produced using ecological methods. Fair trade labeling then finally guarantees that the product has been produced fairly, that is without detrimental effects to the workers, and that they receive fair pay for their work.
See more about hazardous chemicals and synthetics.
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „Sængurföt“, Náttú June 26, 2007 URL: [Skoðað:Oct. 3, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
breytt: June 13, 2014