Our home is one of our most cherished possessions. There we can take refuge from the vicissitudes of daily life. We can rest there and renew our physical and mental well being. Our home is the nucleus of the “global village.”Controlling environmental issues at home is the first step toward controlling environmental issues of the world as a whole. If everyone would take proper care of his home it would set a precedent for how we should care for the local environment, and a lot of good could come from this. The house is, therefore, the key to both the ecological lifestyle of the family and a step forward in solving the environmental issues of the world.

Inside the House and in its environment there are 12 spaces plus the sky and and the ground. If you click on any item of interest, you get information about how that item affects the environment and your health. This way the House becomes a data base on environmentally friendly lifestyle and a key to the home’s environmental solutions. Environmentally friendly lifestyle saves money and is in the long run much more economic for mankind as well as nature.

We are presently working on a new version of the House and the environment, an online versioin and as an app. Soon we'll have the online version ready to show you here on Nature.is.

Feb. 23, 2014
Guðrún Arndís Tryggvadóttir „Húsið og umhverfið“, Náttúran.is: Feb. 23, 2014 URL: http://nature.is/d/2007/08/30/hsi-og-umhverfi/ [Skoðað:Jan. 13, 2025]
Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
skrifað: Aug. 30, 2007
breytt: Aug. 12, 2014
