Matarbúr Kaju opnaði verslun og kaffihús á Akranesi árið 2014. Matarbúr Kaju selur lífrænt vottuð matvæli, bæði eftir vigt undir merkjum Kaju en auk þess selur Kaja fjölda vörumerkja lífrænt vottaðra matvara. Heildsalan Kaja organic byrjaði á að sérhæfa sig í að þjónusta framleiðendur, leik- og grunnskóla svo og önnur stóreldhús en rekur nú auk þess verslunina og kaffihúsið á Akranesi og nú Matarbúr Kaju að Óðinsgötu 8b. Matarbúr Kaju er fyrsta lífrænt vottaða verslunin á Íslandi.

Opnunartími: Mán. 12:00-18:00, þri. - fös. 13:00-1:008, lau. 12:00-16:00

Kirkjubraut 54
300 Akranes

431 1622
822 1669

Part of:
Kaja organic ehf

On the Green Map:

Green Store

Has main emphasis on wholesome and healthful local foods, organic produce and ecologically conscious products. In larger supermarkets such as Bónus, Nettó, Samkaup, Hagkaup and Krónan the green departments are constantly growing.

Healthy Dining

The emphasis is on wholesome and healthful, fresh foods. The ingredients may be organic, local or seasonal. Raw and vegan foods may be served.

Organic Café

Certified organic Café.

Certified Organic

Organic standards promote soil fertility, crop rotation, use of organic fertilisers, biological diversity and animal welfare. Products may only be marketed with reference to organic methods upon verification accredited third-party certification.

Shop with Organic Products

Shop or Online Store offering mainly certified organic products.

Certifications. Labels and Awards:

Organic certification - Tún

The organic certification agency Tún manages the surveillance on organic produce in Iceland. Organic agriculture requires that its’ production is grown without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers in accordance to the European Union’s regulations on organic agriculture. It is illegal within the European Union to label any produce organic unless it fulfills the standards of the Union’s regulations. The certificate does not include the environmental impact of the product itself or its packaging.
