Allar móttökustöðvar fyrir spilliefni eru staðsettar hér á Endurvinnslukorti Náttúrunnar. Spilliefnunum er síðan komið til Efnamóttökunnar hf. sem sérhæfir sig í meðhöndlun og frágangi á spilliefnum til eyðingar eða endurnýtingar. Fyrirtækið vinnur samkvæmt reglum gæðastaðalsins ISO 9002 og er eini sérhæfði aðilinn í móttöku spilliefna á Íslandi.

112 Reykjavík


On the Green Map:


Major companies that collect sorted waste. Also a committee and a fund for waste and recycling. For more information and exact location of each individual Recycling and Drop-off centres and the waste categories they accept, see our Recycle Map on or get the Recycle Map App.

Responsible Company

Companies with ISO 14001 environmental management certification to minimize negative effect on the environment.

Certifications. Labels and Awards:

ISO 14001

The ISO 14000 environmental management standards exist to help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment (cause adverse changes to air, water, or land) and comply with applicable laws and regulations. The standards pertain mainly to the process of how the product is made rather than the product itself. Certification is performed and awarded by an independent third-party organization rather than ISO directly.
