Radísa er umhverfis og manneskjuvæn lífsstílsverslun, með heimilisvöru, leikföng, skrautmuni, fatnað og snyrtivöru.  Allar vörurnar hjá Radísu hafa einn eða fleiri af eftirfarandi kostum; umhverfisvænar, vistvænar, endurunnar, endurvinnanlegar, úr hráefnum náttúrunnar, lífrænar, íslenskar eða handgerðar.



On the Green Map:

Green Store

Has main emphasis on wholesome and healthful local foods, organic produce and ecologically conscious products. In larger supermarkets such as Bónus, Nettó, Samkaup, Hagkaup and Krónan the green departments are constantly growing.

Fair Trade

This icon refers to stores emphasising Fair Trade in the selection of products offered as well as organisations emhasising the importance of introducing the Fair Trade ideology to the public. Only one Icelandic company has accomplished to fulfill the requirements of Fair Trade International's standars for a couple of brands of coffee.

Art Spot

Places of art and culture all over the country.

Shop with Organic Products

Shop or Online Store offering mainly certified organic products.
