Environmental Prizes awarded on the Day of the Environment
Minister for the Environment, Svandís Svavarsdóttir, presented the environment prize of the Ministry for the Environment, Kuðungurinn (The Shell) to www.nature.is, for outstanding work for the environment. On the same occasion students in Stjórutjarnarskóli in Ljósavatnsskarð and Foldaskóli in Grafarvogur were appointed guards of the environment. During today´s ceremony the Minister of the Environment, launched a new Recycling map of Nature.is that is specially designed as an application for smart phones and tablet computers.
Nature.is received The award Kuðungurinn for an "outstanding webpage on the environment, and it´s beneficial influence on the general public and businesses. It says in the conclusion of the jury that “the founders and owners of the company are pioneers in this field "driven by enthusiasm and care for nature and the environment.“
“The website has started a new way of thinking in the environmental consciousness of Icelanders. On the site are accumulated in one place accessible guidelines that help people to adopt a sustainable and more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
The website has an important role in providing information and education to the general public and companies. It is possible to obtain information about the environmental affairs of the home, on saving energy, sustainable purchasing, better usage of foodstuffs, sorting of waste, on how to sort things and were to deliver each item, and there are definitions of each waste category, and explanations of things that often confuse people. Furthermore the website stores information on how to avoid hazardous chemicals, when buying products, and there is an overview on food additives, their possible impact, and environmental labels are defined and explained.“
Following the ceremony the minister launched Nature's new Recycling Map that is specifically designed for smart phones and tablet computers. The aim of the Recycling map is to provide the general public with a detailed overview on where in the country the various waste categories are accepted for recycling. The map is accessible to all, both in Icelandic and English, free of charge, and will be available at www.nature.is in the days to come. The owners of www.nature.is are Guðrún Tryggvadóttir and Einar Bergmundur Arnbjörnsson.
Photograph: During the presentation of Kuðungurinn this morning, Guðrún Tryggvadóttir, CEO - director and foundress, Einar Bergmundur Arnbjörnsson, CTO - chief technology officer of Nature.is and Svandís Svavarsdóttir, minister for the environment. Photographer Árni Tryggvason.
Bergþóra Njála Guðmundsdóttir „Viðurkenningar á Degi umhverfisins“, Náttúran.is: April 25, 2012 URL: http://nature.is/d/2012/04/25/vidurkenningar-degi-umhverfisins/ [Skoðað:Sept. 17, 2024]Efni má nota eða vitna í samkvæmt almennum venjum sé heimilda getið með slóð eða fullri tilvitnun hér að ofan.
breytt: May 22, 2012